KiliMAN Jan

I am getting really excited now, only a couple more days….it feels like my birthday is coming up with lots of great presents and surprises!

A Dutchman, expert in Supply Chains – with an unapologetic high level of attention to detail (see graphical representation of training on my blog!) – yet despite this sensible persona I have an irresistible urge to grasp life by the horns, to experience and absorb the world and to push my body and mind to extremes.

An equally mad friend - Jilly mentioned a challenge to not just climb Kilimanjaro but to cycle round it (200km) followed by running the Kilimanjaro marathon. I scoffed, I laughed, she didn’t enter… but I did…

It is getting real close now and the usual last minute (or rather week and a half) panic is hitting me: am I prepared well enough, do I have everything in terms of gear, do I need to keep training or not? and so on and so on. Funny thing is that I found a particular week in my trainings that was real good in terms of times and general fitness. Tried to track down why this may have occurred and it could be a combination of light training the week before and eating a huge breakfast and two hot meals a day (when I was in Mumbai). So I might do that this week and see if it really helps.

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